3.15.17 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Meeting Minutes for Select Board Untelevised Meeting at Hollis Town Hall
March 15, 2017, 5:05PM

Attendees: River Payne, Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr., Bennet Flinner, Rita Anderson, Bev Harris, Vera Littlefield, Nancy Conway
1. Town Barn Siding -  Proposal from Valley Siding to vinyl side the Town Barn was unanimously accepted by the Select Board for $15,804 on 3/8/17.  2 other bids came in for $36,000 and $18,000. 
2. Mowing and Landscaping Contract - Current contract with Taylor and Sons has a renewal clause of one year.  On the motion of Seely/Payne the Select Board unanimously approved the renewal of the mowing contract with Taylor and Sons/Robert Taylor. The approximate cost is up to $20K for the season. 
3. Salmon Falls Library - Mike reports that the question came up of whether or not SF library is a historical building. It is not a historical building but is located in a historical district.
4. Statistics - None to report at this time.
5. Senior Rebate Briefing - River is obtaining information from the town of Scarborough regarding a rebate option they offer to senior citizens.  Scarborough implemented a program to rebate $500 to their eligible senior citizens. Hollis has a much larger population of senior citizens so the amount may not be as much, but looking into a more viable option may be possible.  Scarborough wrote an ordinance for this rebate. 
6. Boston Cane plaque - Bennet presented a request from the Town Clerk for a PO to pay for a number of plaque names for the Boston Cane. Cost should be under $200- Select Board unanimously approved,

7. Pitney Bowes account  - Bennet requested that an online account be set up for the mail machine for the Town Hall so that it will automatically be refilled once it reaches under $200.00.  The process in the past consisted of a paper check, that can take up to 2 weeks to refill the postage.  This would avoid lack of postage at inopportune times in the future.  Select Board unanimously approved the process to begin immediately.
8. Photocopy prices - Select Board will be discussing this at the next department head meeting next month. There are inconsistencies of what is being charged by each department.

9. Dept Head Meeting - Food served at the meeting in April will be discussed offline.

10. Lights on Bar Mills Bridge - Per Roger, they will be hooked up on the bridge shortly-it is in the process by Simpson and linemen.  Plowing the snow on the sidewalk will be discussed with Buxton prior to the next season.

11. Public Comments and Questions:  Rita asked when the Public Hearing will be for the June Warrant.  Timeline:  Sign warrant by 4/12/17, 1st Public Hearing 4/19/17, 2nd Public Hearing 5/17/17, Annual Town Meeting/Vote 6/13/17.   The Warrant will be read in its entirety at the Public Hearing and the lecturn will be facing the audience so that all may hear who is speaking.