08/15/19 Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hollis Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2019

Present: John Mattor; Edna Leigh Bailey; Catherine Hewitt; Chris Jones; Amy Farwell; Doris Luther


1. John reported that deer have ravaged four of the chestnut seedlings at Googins Woods. He has put repellant near the one they missed and the one

less eaten. He and Catherine will check the condition of the 5 at Indian Cellar and will squirt them with Plant Skid to keep the deer from eating them.


2. The Buxton-Hollis Historical Society walk at Googins Woods has been postponed until Saturday, September 7 at 9AM. It will be approximately

1 + ½ hour long. John has cleaned trails 1, 2, and 3 and replaced the bridge. The public is invited to join enjoy the trails!


3. The lower end of trail 1 at Googins Woods is not over good ground and needs to be relocated.


4. Review of the HCC website: Chris has been hard at work on the website. He brought his computer to the meeting, so we could all take a look at the site and

discuss what to keep, what to add, what to change. HCC member Joanne Toone contributed pictures, as did former HCC member John Sheehan. Great

discussion ensued, and the website was completed and published!! Many thanks to Chris who wrapped up this many years-long project!


5. The Stewardship fund is now $131,889. Interest earned last year was $905. With a greater interest rate of 1.8%, we should earn around $2400 this

year. Discussion ensued with ideas on how to use some of the money, for educational programs, for example, rather than have it just sitting there.

Catherine suggested we look to the Francis Small Heritage Trust for ideas. John suggested that we use some of the fund money to hire someone to

maintain the trails. Chris volunteered to do the trail maintenance. He is happy to do it for free. Thank you, Chris! He will put out a notice for volunteers to help as well.


6. Mike Mercier is going to take care of some drainage issues near the kiosk at Indian Cellar. He expects to get to it early in September.


7. Other: Catherine got a map of the land managed by the Francis Small Heritage Trust. They are in the process of purchasing 30 abutting acres in

Cornish for $90,000. They are now raising funds for the purchase. The map shows good hiking trails and water frontage on the Saco River.

HCC is planning a trash pick-up day on October 19 at 9AM. Rendezvous point will be at the L’il Mart on the corner of Plains Road and Route 117 in Hollis.

Volunteers welcome! We will have gloves and water available, and as Catherine said, “Come work hard for an hour or so and disperse to play!”


Respectfully submitted,

Doris Luther