9/20/2018 Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 20, 2018



SEPTEMBER 20, 2018



Present:  Amy Farwell, Catherine Hewitt, Martha Turner, John Mattor, Doris Luther


1.    Minutes for June 15, 2018 meeting:  Passed


2.    John reported that our parks are in good condition for fall.  We don’t need to do any more until spring clean-up.


3.    Indian Cellar Ditch:  John reported that it needs to be bigger as it clogs and causes water to go over the trail.  The suggestion was made to have Mike Mercier, who put in the steps, come dig a bigger ditch.  We can pay him out of the stewardship fund.


4.    Comments and suggestions about our parks:  It was decided to keep taking photos and put them in a drop box for Chris to post on the website.  We will also do group tour photos, photos of birds and plants we’ve seen at the parks.  Amy suggested putting in cairns or having the kids from the Rec Department build cairns.  They  spent a day at Googins building teepees.


5.    Community Television promotion of Googins Woods:  John will talk with Patrick Bonsat at the Community TV station.


6.    Update on new town office complex.  Martha reported that the town is looking for input from the public and that there was a meeting that night at 7PM.  Architectural and engineering firm WBRC has been hired.  The town is looking into buying the land  owned by the Hollis Town Library.  It is 57.9 acres and would be central to the town.  The complex will include a new fire station to meet regulations.


7.    Community Day:  John will be attending, arriving around 9AM to set up.  Joanne will be helping John.  Amy made some laminated informational bookmarks to give out at Community Day and at the library.  She will deliver them.  (Nice job, Amy!)


8.    Emerald Ash Borer:  John reported that some have been found in York County and Aroostook County.  Ashborers have moved all the way from Wisconsin into Maine through New Brunswick and New Hampshire.  John will be attending a meeting on October 1 in Acton in reference to this invasive pest.


9.    Website:  Chris is working on it.  He was planning to send out information on Sept. 21 for our review and input.   Chris is looking for pictures for the website.  John has some on his computer.  Amy will send pictures from Facebook to Chris.  She has started a Facebook page for the Conservation Commission and Googins Woods.  We’d like to have some pictures of the different groups who have visited the parks like the Historical Society and the kids from the Rec. program.


10.Other:  Doris needs to get sworn in again. 


Respectfully submitted by Doris Luther