12.7.16 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Minutes for Select Board Untelevised Meeting

December 7, 2016, 5:05PM

Attendees:  River Payne, Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr., Bennet Flinner, Bob Cyr, Vera Littlefield, Bev Harris, Nancy Conway.

1. Stacy Ward - Was scheduled on the agenda but did not attend.

2. Town Forest - Bordering towns have contacted the Select Board to look into attaining governmental property that borders Lyman, Dayton and Hollis (approx. 23 acres). The government would own the property but the town would maintain it and have the opportunity to use it for recreational purposes. Town of Alfred is heading this project. On the motion of Seely/Hicks this will be tabled until the board receives financial information from Alfred regarding the maintenance of the property.

3. Public Comments and Questions:

Bev Harris asked if the Poland Spring presentation could be on a Saturday so all residents could attend. River said last year it was done on a Wednesday evening after a SB meeting and it was fairly short- maybe an hour long.  The presentation is scheduled for 12/21/16 7:00PM Select Board will have a short meeting that evening so that they are allowed time to complete their presentation and take questions from residents.

Per their request, CEO Bob Cyr explained to the residents attending the meeting the code issue Stacy Ward was scheduled to discuss with the Select Board. It deals with cluster vs. standard subdivision codes. Her particular issue was resolved through updating plans.

Vera Littlefield inquired to Roger why Waterboro got a 6-month deputy sheriff. Roger believes it was to remedy a financial quandry with the police cruiser. He will look into it and let her know.

Meeting ended at 5:25PM