
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Town of Hollis Select Board Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2016, 5:00PM

(Not televised discussion, public welcome)

Present: Select Board Members: Dave McCubrey, River Payne, Roger Hicks; Administrative Assistant: Bennet Flinner.

1.  Poland Spring Truck Route update from Roger: Per Poland Springs, they will begin to have people at points of concern directing trucks where to go at routes 112/202, 202/35, 117/35, 117/Plains Road. Once more information is received, we will post it.

2. Mowing: Workers compensation paperwork has been received from Taylor and Sons.

3. Gray:  Letter signed and given to CEO to present to resident.

4. MSAD 6 Warrant: Signed by the SB.

5. Computer Use Policy:  Reviewed, unanimously approved and signed by the SB. Policy to Town Clerk, Martha Huff.

6. Water Inspection:  Select Board will speak to CEO regarding re-inspection of well water and testing. SB believes the cost for any testing required comes out of Maintenance.

7. Town Warrant: Roger would like comparison documents on what cuts were made in the budget this year. Dave will find them and provide River and Roger a copy as soon as possible. SB also discussed ground rules for the public hearing and agree that questions can be asked at the hearing but no changes can be made. Budget Committee has approved all budgets for next FY.

8. Website additions: SB approved that both the Maine DOT letter and state ballot promotion letters be added to the website for public information.

9. MMA's Legislative Policy Committee Form: Per SB, there is no interest at this time, documents filed.

10. Businesses near cemeteries: Per SB discussion, it is believed that town businesses must be at least 25 feet away from a cemetery/graveyard.  Will discuss further with CEO.

11. County Board Budget PH: Roger announced that the County Board will have a public hearing on June 8th to discuss the budget.

12. York County Food Rescue:  Dave rescinded and SB approved the prior decision to appropriate money allocated to York County Food Rescue to Hollis Food Pantry, due to a technicality with the warrant.

13. Foreclosures: There were 9 certified letters sent. Dave is waiting on an attorney regarding one foreclosure in question.

14.  Smoking Policy:  SB is still working on this policy.




Town of Hollis Select Board Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2016, 7:00 PM

(Televised discussion, public welcome)

Present: Select Board Members: David McCubrey, River Payne; Town Clerk: Martha Huff; Administrative Assistant: Bennet Flinner. Residents: Rita Anderson, Rebecca Bowley, Harlan Huff, Barbara Miller, Len Vangaasbeek Jr.


1. Dave announced that the town’s phone and internet services were down with morning- now back up. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused residents.

2. Election Update by Town Clerk Martha Huff: 6.14.16 is Election day for warrant and elected officials. Absentee ballots are available via telephone call or mail. MSAD 6 Budget Vote to be held on May 26 at 7PM at Bonny Eagle Middle School. 

3. Martha Huff opens the Public Hearing, reads the Warrant's title and greeting.

Dave reads articles 1, 2, 3. Opens the floor to questions on a per page basis.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson:  Why is there no money for town record preservation? Dave answers: It was originally submitted for $5,000 but they changed it so Article 17 requests $40,000 since no record preservation has been done for many years.  It can be completed all at once and still keeps us within the tax levy limit.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson:  Why is there two meetings for voting for MSAD 6 budget?  Becky Bowley explains that every three years it is decided whether the school budget is decided as a district, then vote validation by town or just as a district.  It has been voted in this manner for the past 3 years. The 6.14.16 vote is for town vote validation, the 5.26.16 is to approve the budget as it’s presented to the district.

River reads articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 with no public comments.

Dave reads article 9 and points out that the total should be $19,965.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson: Where is LaDawn Therapeutic Riding?  Answer: Dayton.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson: Is 12 Town group not 12 towns anymore? What do you need money for that group?   Dave answers: for now no, but more towns may be added. Only towns in York County are involved. The same amount of funds are chipped in by each town and goes towards a secretary, copying, coffee, new laptop and printer for the secretary.

Dave reads article 10 - no public comments.

River reads article 11.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson: What is this article for?  River explained that the article was enacted in 2005. Towns can only increase taxes by a certain percentage. This article doesn't need to be on the ballot, but because there are estimated numbers that can change, there is a slight chance for the town to go over budget.  Dave said that the buffer is $8,902, calculations depend on the revenues and reimbursements could also change.

River read articles 12, 13, 14 - no public comments.

Dave read articles 15, 16 - Rita asked why Article 16 was added. Dave answered due to the uncertainty of the future of the community building. 

Dave read articles 17, 18, 19 - no public comments.

Dave read article 20, 21, 22.

Question from resident, Becky Bowley: What happened to the Sheriff Article?  Dave answered that Roger will be putting together more information and may resubmit it in November.   Becky asked when the Long Range Planning will have a plan for the town, whether it be the community building, town hall, fire department, etc.  River answered that they do not and just met for the first time with Southern Maine Planning. Becky suggested that we assure that SMP refers to the town of Hollis and not Dayton in their documentation. River assured that all plans would be carefully scrutinized.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson: Regarding article 20-Was there not a project in place before?  Dave said FD/EMS would direct local traffic but a procedure was not put in place for Poland Spring trucks.  Roger presented this to Poland Springs with the FD/EMS on how to detour routes 117 and 202 in case of an emergency.  Using barricades, cones, etc. We have a lack of people to direct traffic, so the signs will be very helpful in diverting traffic. Dave indicated a need of volunteers if anyone wants to help during these emergencies.

Question from resident, Rita Anderson: Article 21 - what is happening to the old ambulance?  Answer: it will be back up and stored at FD1. Other towns use old ambulances for back up when their new one is being serviced, it common practice. It’s not going to be manned and supplied separately.  Do other towns that back us up, do they still provide us service?  As needed, we know Buxton has 2 manned and one back up.   Rita asked if the revenue (rescue fees) is going towards the cost of the ambulance. Answer: No. That goes back into the general fund. The $210,000 cost of the ambulance is coming from the TIF and only covers the vehicle itself, no equipment is included.

Comments from resident, Harlan Huff: Each ambulance has to be licensed by the state of Maine. Nominal fee for license, paid once a year. You cannot bill patients for services unless the vehicle is licensed.   

Comments from resident, Barbara Miller: Regarding Article 20: A $30,000 truck was purchased for the Fire Department without a vote. It's tucked in with this article, but it was already purchased without approval. She feels she got blindsided on that.  River responded that the old utility truck broke down and it was needed by the FD. Per our finance auditor, what the town did was the most economical and we could not have leased a truck until next warrant. River understands Barbara's complaint and knows the situation wasn't ideal but it is what it is.

River read articles 23, 24, 25 - no public comments

Dave closed the public hearing at 7:53PM.

New Business

1.  Dave reviewed what was discussed at the 5PM Select Board Meeting: New Mowing Contractor - Taylor and Sons; Worked on residence problem with CEO; Sent out 9 Foreclosure letters to residents that owe at least 2 years back taxes. SB is offering payment agreements to those folks; $18,000 taxes were received this week by those who were defaulted on their payment agreements. Worked on MSAD 6 Warrant - we can't post this due to an error.  Becky Bowley explained that the Budget Validation part of the warrant that needs to be signed again by the Board of Directors. They signed 66 copies last week, but there was an error, so they signed 66 more last meeting. Some members signed during the break of the executive session, some before or after, it wasn’t consistent, so the signatures are in question. Therefore, they will do it again at the next board meeting.  Dave asked Becky: why do the SB sign 9 copies? Becky thinks it’s for the difference municipalities and the state.

Dave asked Becky to explain to people what happens at a Budget Meeting for SAD6.

Becky: Residents register to vote at the meeting. It is run like a town meeting, an attorney moderates it. Articles are voted yes or no, results of that night are sent to municipalities. Voter validation will then be presented at the June election. This “double vote” practice has been done since Becky has been on the Board since 2009. She encourages people to attend the BOD meeting Monday.

Martha Huff asked if she could ask a question about the warrant.  Dave told her that he had closed the public hearing while she was out of the building – she was helping a resident. 

Question from Rita Anderson: Why isn’t there an article about voting on County Taxes? Don’t we have to vote on whether or not to pay? Answer from Dave: No, we don’t have a choice.  Roger is on the County Budget committee and they complete presentations for taxpayers. Rita added that when she was on the Budget committee, they always reviewed and voted on county taxes.  Martha added that you use appropriated tax money and the County tax bill comes in as a separate bill, like the school.  The SB will research this concern for Rita and get back to her.  

2. Hollis Clothing Closet – The SB met with supported members on 5.4.16 and decided they will be an official town committee. They provide an important service to town members and can be covered under insurance if they form a committee under the town. Once Martha Huff knows the terms of their members, they will be sworn in.

3. York County Food Rescue: Organization is disbanded, $500 is owed to them per the warrant.  We cannot change the warrant and appropriate it to Hollis Food Pantry, so the money will be put back into the general fund.



Warrant: Week of: 5/9/16: $367,240.00          Week of: 5/16/16: 358,672.00

Payroll: Week of: 5/9/16: $18,639.00  Week of: 5/16/16: $10,564.00



  1. The Bar Mills bridge sidewalk will be CLOSED until further notice. Please avoid using the bridge sidewalk.  The Bridge is scheduled to be closed eff. Monday, June 20, 2016.
  2. Citizens aged 60 and older, join Maine Senior Farm Share Program to receive $50 worth of fresh Maine grown vegetables and herbs. Click for more information below http://www.getrealmaine.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/home.showpage/pageID/77/index.htm
  3. Goodwill Workforce Solutions (Job Assistance) meet Tuesdays 1pm-4pm at Adult Ed/Parker Farm Road 929.9185
  4. Waterboro Transfer Station – REMINDER - Hollis permits are $25.  Cash and Checks only. No credit or debit cards are accepted.
  5. Volunteers are needed Hollis Pirate Fest! Please contact River or visit the town website www.Hollismaine.org for additional information. Hollis Fest to be held on August 13, 2016 J
  6. Don’t forget to “E-Subscribe” on the Hollismaine.org website to receive notifications of all new info posted on the website!


  1. Bradbury Bridge on Rt. 202 by Hollis Lions Club is being replaced or fixed. It is historical, so notice was sent to us from Maine DOT.

  2. Per Poland Springs, they will begin to have people at points of concern directing trucks where to go at routes 112/202, 202/35, 117/35, 117/Plains Road.


1. Question from Martha Huff regarding the Article 20 - Service Truck and trailer for FD.  Was there funds appropriated for the utility truck in the FD budget?  River confirmed that there was a  line item in the FD budget for $5,000 for the utility vehicle that was unused for 3 years. This item was tapped for the lease of the new utility truck. 

Next Meeting of the Board

May 19th         5:00PM Hollis Conservation Commission at Salmon Falls Library

May 25th         7:00PM Planning Board Meeting at Community Center

May 26th         7:00PM MSAD 6 School Budget Vote Meeting – BEMS

May 31st          6:30PM Hollis Pirate Fest Meeting at the Community Center

June 7th           6:30PM Long Range Planning Committee at the Community Center

June 9th           10:30AM Poland Springs Truck Meeting at the Community Center

Select Board Meetings – Televised 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7-9, untelevised every Wednesday from 5-7 at the Town Hall.