
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Minutes for July 13, 2016

Attendees:  Select Board Members: River Payne, Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr.; Code Enforcement Officer: Bob Cyr; Assessor: Deb Stitson, Administrative Assistant: Bennet Flinner; Residents: Chris and Crystal Gaudet with guests; Vera Littlefield, Nancy Conway.

    1. Select Board and CEO met with residents Chris and Crystal Gaudet and their guests regarding a building permit issue with setback of new garage. Per CEO, the Gaudets are in violation of the town's ordinance. During the discussion with the CEO, home owners and surveyor, there are conflicting opinions as to how the setback is measured, from the edge of right of way, or edge of the road. The homeowners provided the Select Board and CEO a copy of the boundary survey that was completed recently and other documentation for their review. Once the Select Board has reviewed all of the materials provided, they will contact the Gaudets with their decision in next steps with their violation of the ordinance.  

    2. Community Clothing Closet - Select Board signed a memo stating current committee members and purpose of the Community Clothing Closet. Mike Seely is the point of contact for this group. He voiced concerns that they need a structure/building to move their items to when FD begins work on the new roof and drywall inside the FD 1 building.  The current location is perfect for the organization since it is across the street from the Hollis Food Pantry. If anyone from public reading this has any ideas on how to help them, please contact Mike Seely at Town Hall.

    3. Policy #41 - Drafted and presented by Mike Seely, contains duties and responsibilities for Select Board members. Roger motioned to approve the document and River seconded.  Policy was approved, signed by Select Board.

    4. Cell phone for GA- River has been using her personal phone for all calls, including General Assistance. The town used to have one in case of emergencies and for coverage, if needed. She is proposing that the town return to using a GA phone for those reasons.  Roger motioned to approve a phone for River to use for town/GA purposes, Mike seconded the motion and it was approved. River and Bennet will look into phone plans. The budget for GA is under administration, per past recommendations. Deb Stitson noted that it is important to have a separate line item for the GA budget because it can be overspent without penalty, if needed.

    5. School Board Update  - Roger attended the MSAD 6 Board of Directors meeting Monday evening. They discussed the continued process with Frye Island and the creation of a committee from all 5 towns that will occur if they proceed in a legal avenue. This would include initiating Title 20-A 1301, which establishes a process to re-examine the cost sharing formula. The Select Board is in favor of this process and expects to be contacted within a few weeks to have their panel members selected. The panel would include a SB member and 2 residents. This committee will have no association with the MSAD 6 Board and will work directly with MEA.

    6. Roads Update - Repaving of Haley Road will begin on Monday, July 18th. They will grind, grate, then pave the road-- 2 inch base with 1 inch finish. Website will be updated by Bennet to notify the public and ask for folks that are not local traffic to find a different route of travel.  Paving from Deer Pond to Shy Beaver on Plains Road is planned. Roger is trying to get the paving extended to Decker Circle. P.O. for repairs to Killick Pond Road where the guard rail is washed out - Covered by TIF.

    7. Community Building Update - River will be meeting with Rande Gray regarding this issue and the Hollis Fest, for ideas of next steps for the community building. Roger would like to get input from the Fire Chief as well to clarify all changes that have to be made so that definite plans can be made to begin repairs. Meetings will be scheduled by River this week.  

    8. IT Update - Upon close review of the NDS proposal, there are several questions that need to be addressed before moving forward. Bennet and Mike will work on list of questions to send to NDS and once answered will schedule another meeting. Bennet will also contact neighboring towns to see who they use for IT support.

    9. Code Enforcement Officer / Planning Board (wages) - Mike questioned the CEO if his time attending PB meetings is paid through his budget or PB's? The PB budget is 7K but historically no more than 1K is used. CEO felt that he should only be attending PB meetings to give his interpretation of ordinances and that he hasn't been reporting his hours spent at the meetings.  The Select Board insists that he report his time and get paid for it when he attends PB meetings, which he agreed he would in the future.  Mike will bring up this issue with the PB at their meeting this evening and get back to SB.

    10. Approval of Minutes / New Minutes Outline - Bennet will be implementing a new minutes outline next week. The SB has no preference of outline or format, but Mike suggests that the Town letterhead be used on the minutes and that they are to be printed and put into a folder or binder for review.  

    11. Planning Board Appointments - SB signed two new PB appointment papers for Kevin Flinner and Bruce Wishart. Papers returned to Martha Huff, Town Clerk.

    12. MMA/VP vote - Filed as requested by the SB.

    13. Non-Municipality Appropriations:  -$200.00 to be applicable to the defunct York County Food Pantry. River called the facility and e-mailed the last known contact to no avail, number was disconnected and bad e-mail address.

    13. Public Comments and Discussion: Hollis Concerned Citizens Group members, Vera Littlefield and Nancy Conway, asked about the workshop/meeting the Select Board had with Poland Spring. Wanted to know who was at the meeting, who set it up and why. Also wanted to know why the Hollis Truck Committee meetings were cancelled. Mike Seely indicated that he requested the meeting and Roger set it up. Mike stated that he requested the meeting because he felt that the Select Board has done everything they for resident's concerns, up to this point. The road situations are getting dangerous with following trucks and if someone from the HTC was hurt the town would be liable. It was decided that the town should disassociate from the HTC due to these concerns.  Vera and Nancy voiced their disappointment with that decision and feel that ending these meetings is exactly what Poland Spring wants. They also wanted to clarify that the gentlemen who spoke at the televised SB meeting in June about his tractor trailer being stopped was not stopped by a citizen, but Poland Springs. They only follow trucks to obtain the numbers on the backs of the trucks, they are not stopping them. The SB said they can still have their meetings with Poland Spring, but they will have to be planned through them, not the SB. The Community Building can be used for their meetings as long as it is available and to check with Debbie Tefft at the Rec dept.  

Vera and Nancy also inquired about the new Fire Dept equipment and any improvements to the buildings. Roger noted that August is the final inspection for the new vehicle and that the new trailer, cones, signs purchase orders were brought forward this evening. The roof repair to be done at FD 1 received 3 bids, one was chosen and is to be signed by treasurer.  No improvements are planned for FD 2. Vera and Nancy inquired about credit cards for the FD. SB indicated that the fire chief uses a credit card to purchase gas and items for the station as needed, and the Rec Dept also utilizes a credit card, as needed.  Vera voiced concern about possible inappropriate usage of the credit cards. The SB indicated that if there is suspicion and concerns about that, it would be a personnel issue that should be brought to their attention immediately. She may review any statement with the treasurer..
Vera also inquired about a new expensive stretcher the FD is rumored to purchase.  The SB indicated that they are looking at a hydraulic stretcher that is easier to use and more comfortable for larger patients to be transported in.  It is only being researched at this time and if purchased in the future, it would likely be a sole source item since it is over $10,000.   
Vera inquired about the minutes from the last Select Board meeting and asked why Harlan Huff's public comments were not included in the minutes.  Bennet indicated that the minutes were a draft, work in process, and those notes were not yet recorded. It was noted that the information about the town clerk's vacation was removed from the agenda and website prior to the start of that SB meeting.   

Next Meeting of the Board

July 18th              6:30PM Hollis Pirate Fest Meeting at the Community Center

July 19th               6:30PM Long Range Planning Meeting at the Community Center

July 20th               7:00PM Select Board Meeting – Televised at the Community Center

July 21st              5:00PM Hollis Conservation Commission at Salmon Falls Library