8.17.16 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Meeting Minutes for Select Board Untelevised Meeting

August 17, 2016, 5:00PM

Attendees: Select Board Members: River Payne, Mike Seely; CEO: Bob Cyr; Admin. Assistant: Bennet Flinner; Residents: Nancy Conway, Beverly Harris, Vera Littlefield.

  1. Code Enforcement Officer Update: A homeowner has approached Bob to report an in-law apartment over their garage. It was built while they had rented the home to a relative for a few years. Because these updates to the garage were done without the homeowner's knowledge, Bob is recommending a consent agreement. He will draft a document and provide it to the SB as soon as possible.

  2. CEO Assistant: Interviews have been completed and a candidate has been selected. That person will be contacted today.

  3. Community Building Update: River, Mike, and many Hollis residents met with Caleb Johnson Builders on August 15th at the Community Building Workshop meeting to discuss first layout of floor plan. River reports that the timeliness completion of phase one is very important and is worried that the more time the town takes deciding how to create a committee will hinder the project. Residents need to trust people in order to move this forward. Floor plan should be presented at the next scheduled meeting on Wednesday. 

  4. Community Clothing Closet Update: The trailer is there and loaded. The entire building is now empty. Updates inside and outside the building will be completed during 8/22/16 - 9/10/16.

  5. New Town Municipal Complex: Mike Seely will initially lead this project in order to form a committee that may involve Long Range Planning, then facilitate any meetings. This initiative is to conceptualize ideas only, not to make immediate plans. Mike agreed with Vera Littlefield that the SB needs to discuss changing the layout of the town hall for efficiency and to fulfill needs of all its employees.

  6. Roads Update: Haley Road is still being paved, but should be finished up soon.

  7. MSAD 6 School Board Update: SB received notification this week that a cost sharing review committee will be formed under LD 1301.

  8. Maintenance Update: River recommends the company 1st Choice Floor Care for the cleaning of the Town Hall every 2 weeks--owner was very professional and offered the lowest rate. Will discuss all bids at 7pm.

  9. Hollis Pirate Fest:  Was very successful despite the rainy weather. SB approved mowing and portapotty costs from Pirate Fest to be taken out of Maintenance budget.

  10. SB approved meeting minutes from 8/3/16 5pm and 7pm, and agreed that a thank you letter be sent to the chair of Appeals who has been on the board for over 20 years.

  11. Executive Session pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S. §405(6)(A) to discuss a personnel matter.  Town Clerk opened the session, which began at 5:56PM and ended at 6:08PM.