8.3.16 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Minutes for Select Board Untelevised Meeting
August 3, 2016, 5:00PM

Attendees: Select Board Members: River Payne, Mike Seely; Town Clerk: Martha Huff; Administrative Assistant: Bennet Flinner; Residents: Vera Littlefield, Nancy Conway and Beverly Harris.

 1.    Community Clothing Closet Update: Mike reports that there is a storage trailer en route for the Clothing Closet. He has also been speaking with a representative from Poland Spring that reports the company may be able to provide the organization with a permanent structure. Mike has notified the committee regarding this and once he receives their recommendations he will relay the info to Poland Spring.  The roof construction at the FD on Hollis Road will begin 8/21/16 and expected to finish 9/10/16. Mike is also in the process of getting authorization so that the Clothing Closet can accept monetary donations, and an article is being written to obtain $1,000 from undesignated funds for incidentals.

2.    Community Building Update: River reports that she has reached out to all area design/build firms in the Southern Maine area for this project. Caleb Johnson's firm is available to complete the work immediately. They will be presenting their proposal next Wednesday at 4PM at the Community Building. If the public knows of other design/build firms that would be interested in fixing the community building, please have them contact the Select Board as soon as possible.

3.    Roads Update: Roger was unable to make the meeting this evening, but Mike will suggest to Roger to contact the National Guard regarding road repairs.

4.    Maintenance Update: River has sent out for bids to local cleaning services for the town hall.  

5.    Warrant Articles: Mike is currently working on articles for the Community Clothing Closet, Growth Ordinance and Insuring unsold tax acquired properties. River would like to have a more defined amount that needs to be spent on the Community Building before drafting an article. SB currently has authority to use $100K emergency funding plus $20K for design.  SB cannot use TIF for this project because the building has to show it will benefit economic development for multiple towns.  River extended an invitation for the HCCG members to attend Long Range Planning committee meetings.

6.    Town Clerk Election Update: There is a vacant seat for the Budget Committee that was not filled last election. The most write-ins for the seat was for Alton Meserve. Martha Huff approached Mr. Meserve recently and he is not interested. On the motion of Payne/Seely there will be no election of this seat, it will be appointed to an applicant by the SB.  Martha will provide information to the SB for consideration to conform to state law for write-ins on ballots. Martha reminded the SB that the Planning Board has submitted articles that will be discussed at a Public Hearing on 8/24/16 7PM at the Community Building. SB can sign the warrant later that week or on 8/31/16.  Warrant is due to the Town Clerk 9/21/16. Public Hearing for the Warrant is tentatively scheduled for 9/7/16 at 7PM. The TC and Deputy will be in training that day, but should be back in time for the meeting.

7.  Policies: Overtime Policy: Mike is currently working on this policy - draft did not include FD/EMS and Parks/Rec. He will update the document and resubmit for next week.

8.    Select Board Correspondence: Mike requested that Bennet e-mail SB members the current letterhead used so that all correspondence from the SB is consistent. Completed 8.3.16.

9.    Salmon Falls Resort and Golf Club: It is unknown if the prior license included the mobile golf bar cart. Once that is verified, SB will sign paperwork and notify the owner. If not, owner will be contacted for additional information.

10    MSAD 6 Update:  Paul Penna was selected as the interim Superintendent. No further news to date regarding LD 1301.

11. SB Meeting Minutes: On the motion of Payne/Seely, SB meeting minutes from 7/20/16 and 7/27/16 were approved.  Bennet will print off minutes from 2016 that were not approved by SB for River and Roger's review.

12. Hollis Concerned Citizens Group: Any concerns with the current drought? SB: Yes, the hydrant water resources are low, but there is nothing we can do but to use what we have and hope it rains soon. Has the new tanker arrived for the FD? SB: The new rescue vehicle will likely arrive before the tanker.