
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5:00 p.m. (Non-televised) Meeting Hollis Select Board

  1. Water’s Edge- Engineer’s will be sending an updated letter for Water’s Edge road certification to the Board. The Clerk stated the road acceptance is a Policy written after a Town Meeting vote in 2004. The Article does not utilize the word Ordinance. Does the Select Board wish to have a Town Road Acceptance Ordinance on the next warrant? Selectperson Payne listed other considerations that could also be addressed in this Ordinance. Could the road certification from the Engineer have an expiration date, and perhaps residences on the road need to be occupied.Should this or any road Ordinance be reviewed by SMRP (Southern Maine Regional Planning)?

  2. Selectperson Hicks reviewed the August 2015 Bank reconciliation for the Treasurer done by Deb Stitson.

  3. Selectperson Hicks is finalizing a No Parking Ordinance for presentation to the Board. The Select Board has the authority to approve some types of Ordinances without a Town Meeting vote.

  4. Cell Phone-The Admin Assistant will be asked to call and see how much if any cost is involved with deleting the Town Cell phone. Select Person Payne said it is cumbersome to utilize two cell phones, a personal cell and a seldom used work cell. The GA help line people at the state level utilize their own personal cell phones and are reimbursed for associated costs.The General Assistance administrator for every municipality must be available for a determined emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Administrator, (Select person Payne is the person who determines if an emergency exists. She stated in her time she has not seen a GA emergency.)


  5. The Select Board wants to look into developing a policy with a due process system involved to take corrective measures for employees that may not be meeting work requirement expectations. No action was taken on a motion made to begin a specific corrective disciplinary action. It was stated an employer might meet with an employee and discuss written agreement of corrective measures.


  6. Rita Anderson came in to request a copy of the original Growth Ordinance and any changes made since that original.Her request for information was acknowledged and she was told it would take some time for the Town Clerk to perform this research.

  7. Purchase Orders:
    PO 3072 – Kofile Preservation - $4,492 from Record Preservation account # 102.
    PO 3071- McCormick & Son’s - $3,000- for Bulky Trash Days from account # 900.

  8. 730 Hollis Road – the Animal Control Officer and the Code Enforcement Officer have been to that location.They verbally reported that six dogs were there and they all had bark collars on, and they will write a letter for the file.

  9. The CEO Hiring committee will meet to confer on a candidate and an offer will be made.

  10. Town Property list needs review – ATV club is interested in obtaining use of land for storage purposes, a possible land swap with a citizen, and another citizen is interested in purchasing town property abutting his property.

  11. Selectperson Hicks made the motion to accept and sign the one year snow plowing contract with Rob Hanson with maximums in place. They have not had an increase in over 8 years. This contract is a $30,000 increase. Selectperson Payne seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed and contract was signed ( Note: Clerk needs a copy please.)

  12. Rob Hanson Road Commissioner has asked to meet with Select Board- the meeting will be 5 pm.Sept. 30th. Clerk will put on the website under upcoming meetings.

  13. Some tax payers have fallen behind in their tax repurchase agreements.Select Chair McCubrey made the motion to send letters to all of those in defaults on their agreements without further review. All in favor.

  14. A tentative date was set for November 7 for Public Hearing for GA (General Assistance) Maximums as required by the State of Maine laws.This hearing will need a small ad in the smart shopper and to be legally posted.Select Board will sign the Ordinance after the public hearing has been held. Copies of these maximums needs to be sent to State and the Town Clerk.

  15. Discussion was held regarding hiring temp staff through a temp agency.Select chair will take on this assignment.

  16. The question was asked did any of the Municipal Officials receive a phone call from the alarm company this past weekend. No was the answer.

  17. Selectperson Hicks will speak with Marge at the Auditor’s Office to answer questions on road projects.
    Meeting closed at 6:20 p.m.

     Respectfully submitted, Martha E. Huff, Hollis Town Clerk

Select Board approved these minutes 10/7/2015.