1.31.18 5pm

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 31, 2018


1.31.18, 5:00 P.M.

Meeting attendees: Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr., Rob Hanson, Rita Anderson, Beverly Harris, Bennet Flinner

Absent: Rita Perron

1. Meeting called to order by Hicks at 5:00PM

2. Old Business

    a. 18-19 Budget Reviews:

Snow/Sanding:  On the motion of Seely/Hicks, the Select Board approved to recommend the budget of Snow and Sanding of $434,000. Passed 2-0-1.

Highway: On the motion of Seely/Hicks, the Select Board approved to recommend the budget of Highway for $147,205. Passed 2-0-1.

Paving: On the motion of Seely/Hicks, the Select Board approved to recommend the budget of Paving for $150,000. Passed 2-0-1.

Next SB meeting on 2/7/2018 will review budgets for Planning Board, Finance Committee, Appeals Board, Veterans flags, Veterans graves.

    b. Town Hall Structural Reinforcement Project: On the motion of Seely/Hicks, the Select Board approved to put the Town Hall structural project out for bid again and close the Town Hall for at least one week to complete the work. Passed 2-0-1.

    c.  Heat Fund: Seely recognized Poland Spring for donating $5,000 to the fund and a resident that donated $500.00 - Thank you! This fund is for people who do not qualify for general assistance and need emergency funds for fuel.  Clynk bags are also available to those who want to donate bottles and cans.

3. New Business         

    a. Snow Plow contract extension with RMDL: On the motion of Seely/Hicks, the Select Board approved to extend the 18-19 contract with RMDL under the same amount paid in 17-18. Passed 2-0-1.

4. Other Business:  Hicks reports that the new crosswalk sign will be received in the next few weeks and installed in the Spring.    

5. Public Comment: Rita Anderson advocated for the Emergency Medical Subscription plan and encouraged residents to apply now. You can apply at Town Hall, print off an application online on the website or see Rita Anderson who has a supply. This program covers ambulance transport service costs outside of what your insurance covers.

John Rondeau provided a Pirate Fest update. They will reschedule the presentation for the Fireworks Display and are also exploring other entertainment options. The Select Board thanked John and the committee for their commitment to this festival.

6. Executive Session - None

7. On the motion of Seely/Hicks the meeting was adjourned at 5:12PM. Passed 2-0-1.

Minutes submitted by Bennet Flinner