2.22.17 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Meeting Minutes for Untelevised Hollis Select Board Meeting on February 22, 2017 5:00PM

Attendees: River Payne, Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr., Bennet Flinner, Rita Anderson, Bev Harris, Vera Littlefield, Nancy Conway, Al Beedy.

1. Sand Pond Road - Al Beedy, resident of Sand Pond Road attended tonight's  meeting to ask specifically when the road will be fixed. He and his wife is very frustrated by the condition of the road, it is very damaged and damaging to drivers who use it. Roger indicated that it will cost the town $1M to fix the 1.75 mile road due to the complex engineering of it. There is a possibility for a bond issue to be put in the June warrant. Al Beedy offered his contact information to Roger for updates and support of a possible bond. 

2. Community Building - Phase 2: River is working on a financial timeline for the predecessor of this project - it will be taken over by Roger and Mike.  The Community Building committee will continue to meet and plans to have evening meetings to encourage community participation.

3. Bond Issue/Roads - Roger stated that the town has nothing outstanding financially- debt free. The town is at a crossroads and need to move forward with a plan for roads that are in dire need of repair- there are too many liability factors not to. 

4. IT/NDS - Mike made a motion that the Town accept an agreement as of 3/1/17 to be under one umbrella of support for the Town's IT/Computers software and hardware with National Data Systems (NDS). They have supported the Town's IT needs for 30 years.  River seconded the motion and all were in favor.  The coverage will start on 3/1/17 and yearly agreement begins 7/1/17-6/30/18 for $24,000.  

5. Animal Welfare Society Agreement - Select Board approved unanimously and signed paperwork.

6. 17/18 Budget Update - Mike reports that they are about 85% through the budgets. Hope to have just a few more meetings to finish up.

7. Department Head Meeting - Mike recommends a quarterly meeting to brief the staff on things, i.e. IT computers, phones, budgets, feedback, etc.  SB will schedule a DH meeting in April.

8. Annual Report - Mike is looking into who is responsible for or edits the content. Will be completed prior to the June warrant.

9. Ballot Clerk wages - Martha presented updates to Ballot Clerk wages to reflect increases in minimun wages.  Select Board approved unanimously and signed paperwork.

10. Planning Board Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes - Mike indicated that this evening is the Public Hearing for the proposed changes. He will be attending the meeting.

11. CEO statistics: 7/1/16 to date, 72 building permits have been issued. No FD statistics to share.

12. Trash Bids are due on 3/1/17 for a 3 year contract.

13. Vinyl Siding for Town Barn - Requests for proposals are in the Smart Shopper and on MMA website. RFPs are due in Town Hall by 3/8/17.

14. Select Board's invite to the Buxton Hollis Historical Society - Mike will research this--If the entire board went,it would be considered a meeting. Liability will also be considered.

15. Public Comments and Questions: Nancy Conway - TIF Amendment verbage - Nancy asked how the TIF verbage can be changed so that the Select Board does not have authority to spend funds. Mike said she should submit it in writing and put in a citizen's initiative to change it.  Rita Anderson - Asked if padded chairs that were used downstairs in the Community Building could be brought out of storage for meetings currently held upstairs. River said she would get some of out of storage for her.   Bev Harris - Asked if Town is responsible for plowing out fire hydrants in subdivisions, Logan's Run is not plowed out.  Roger said he would contact Rob Hanson to take care of it.  Rita Anderson asked if the snow on the sidewalk of the Bar Mills bridge would be removed.  Roger said he would discuss it with Buxton.