6.21.17 5pm

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 21, 2017


6.21.17, 5:00 P.M.

Attendees: Roger Hicks, Mike Seely, Sr., Bob Cyr, Bennet Flinner, Rita Anderson, Bev Harris, Nancy Conway, Vera Littlefield

Absent: Rita Perron

1.  Meeting called to order by Hicks at 5:04pm

2.  Old Business - none

3.  New Business

         a. End of Year Budget Expenditures:  Seely reports that it pertains to Department Heads and it is an internal process.

         b. Proposed change to Select Board meetings: Seely proposed to eliminate the 5pm meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month since the SB has 7pm meetings those days. On the motion of Seely/Hicks the item passed. All in favor. Change goes into effect July 1, 2017.

         c. July 5th Select Board meeting: There will be a July 5th meeting at 7pm for the Select Board. Please make note of this change.

4.   Other Business - none

5.   Public Comment - Vera Littlefield asked Bob Cyr how many houses will be built this year. Bob responded between 52-55. Bev Harris asked for an update on issue with Poland Spring Trucks. Hicks responded that the DOT will be installing signs to direct trucks on route. Rita Anderson expressed that she doesn't agree that the 5pm meetings are cancelled on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Hicks responded that the public can call or come into the Town Hall on Wednedays to ask questions or discuss issues with the Select Board prior to their evening meeting.

6.   Executive Session - none

7.   Meeting adjorned on the motion of Seely/Hicks at 5:18pm. All in favor.

Minutes submitted by Bennet Flinner