3/16/17 Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Minutes, Hollis Conservation Commission, 16 March 2017


Members present: John Mattor, John Sheehan, Joanne Toone, Martha Turner.


  1. The minutes of 19 Dec 2017 and 16 February 2017 were reviewed and accepted.

  2. John Sheahan provided an update on the website.Some work has been done but there is more to do.John S will connect with Bennet Flinner to continue improvements and add new images.

  3. John Mattor gave an update on Googins Woods.

    1. Work is over until Spring.

    2. John M and Joanne will, tomorrow, be making larger signs for the entry to be installed in Spring. Signs will be placed so that they are in sight from both sides of the road when driving/walking past the woods.They will be green with gold lettering.

    3. John M will work on building a kiosk.

  4. John M mentioned that the snowplowing at Indian Cellar was much improved this season after talking with contractor.The snow is now pushed toward the river so that the entrance to Indian Cellar is still accessible.

  5. John M’s niece has designed the trail map for Googins Woods and John is writing the content for the back of the brochure.Printing is next.

  6. Martha confirmed that there is still no update on the McGarry Tea House.Planning Board is waiting on proof of Saco River Commission approval before it can be put on a Planning Board agenda.

  7. John M met with the Johnson’s with regard to their 30-acre lot, but they seemed unsure of exactly which land they would like to donate and may have some conditions with regard to the donation.They have not had a survey of the land done yet. John S will also chat with the Johnson’s for more information.

  8. John M mentioned that he has been asked to lead a guided walk at Indian Cellar for the Buxton-Hollis Historical Society on Saturday, July 22 at 9.00 am.

  9. John S provided a status on the Official Hollis Community Survey which will have questions about open space and conservation in it.The survey has been shared with Selectmen, most of Hollis town committees and also with Rep. Don Marean.It will be mailed to all Hollis households and also available online. Joanne offered her assistance in creating the online version of the survey.Timing for the survey is late April/Early May.

  10. Other agenda items:

    1. Martha asked if we were carrying over $600 in the HCC budget for next year and John M confirmed he had made that request.

    2. Martha asked if we are able to use the interest made on investing the protected Indian Cellar funds (125K) on other projects.John S said he would check and report back to the group.

Minutes submitted by Joanne Toone