1.18.17 5:00PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meeting Minutes for Untelevised Select Board Meeting

on January 18, 2017 5:00PM at Hollis Town Hall.

Attendees: River Payne, Mike Seely, Sr., (Roger Hicks absent), Bennet Flinner, Barbara Miller, Tootsie, Vera Littlefield, Nancy Conway, Bev Harris.

1. Community Clothing Closet Committee: Members of of the Community Clothing Closet Committee voiced concerns to the Select Board about the new building Poland Spring donated to them to work out of. It is a large shed structure that is placed at Fire Station 1. They are disappointed in the size and quality. They do not believe it can be updated to a structure to work out of. Poland Spring informed Mike that someone from the Clothing Closet requested changes to the design. Vera Littlefield and Nancy Conway indicated that they visited the builder's business, obtained a brochure and inquired what was taking so long to complete it. They also indicated that the builder said he was waiting for further direction from Cameron and Mrs. Fox of Poland Spring. Regardless of how or why the building was delivered, it is what it is and the Select Board will keep it on the property for the Clothing Closet to use for storage. Mike will look into having the rental storage trailer extended and encouraged the Clothing Closet to continue to raise funds for their cause. The Select Board will continue to support the committee in any way they can moving forward. Mike will contact Cameron at Poland Spring to address the concerns about the shed.  The Clothing Closet indicated that since 2011 the group has volunteered 5247 hours, has had 19,047 visitors (not including children) and received 11,411 bags of clothing donations. They will be speaking at the televised meeting this evening regarding their concerns and asking the public for help.

2. Copier Loan: Motion made by Seely/Payne to pay off balance of loan for the Town Hall's photocopier with a balance less than $2,000. Select Board approved and memo will be drafted by Bennet for the Treasurer to pay balance off. 

3. Public Comments and Questions: Nancy Conway asked about live streaming of town meetings. Mike indicated that option is being looked into by Select Board since live streaming is not available on the SRTV website and only visible on their cable tv stations through TWC/Spectrum. No decision is going to be made at this time, only looking into options.  Bev Harris asked if water was available at the Rec, there was none this morning at exercise group. Select Board indicated that it would be checked prior to this evening's televised meeting. 

4. Meeting adjourned at 5:55PM.