03.30.22 7PM

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Meeting Minutes for Televised & Zoom Hollis Select Board Meeting and Public Hearing

30 March 2022 7 PM in Community Building

Attendees:  Jack Rogala, Mary Hoffman, Martha Huff, Town Clerk; Madison Moody, Faith Plummer, Joanne Toone, Terry Walters, Tiffany Dean, Ken Knudsen. Members on Zoom included Paul Mattor and Tammy Munson.

Absent: David McCubrey, Select Board

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Hoffman. In attendance was Select Board Members Hoffman and Rogala. McCubrey was not in attendance.

2. Rogala made a motion to suspend the Board Meeting and to open the Public Hearing which Hoffman seconded.  Both were in favor.

3. The Public Hearing was opened with review of the Warrant for the Hollis Annual Town Meeting to be held on June 14, 2022 from seven AM to 8 PM.

. Article 1,2, and 3 had no comments except for some clerical corrections. Hoffman related that the total on Article 3 might change depending on the Finance Committee’s recommendations on the 5th of April.

 Article 4-9 had some clerical corrections noted in the numbers agreeing. 

 Article 10- Hoffman explained the decrease of $5, 874 due to a decrease in the Librarian’s hours from 25 to 20. The library is only open 14 hours and 11 hours of administration seems excessive so they were decreased to 6 hours.

Article 11- Hoffman explained the decrease of $5,000 due to some funds that had been appropriated in 2020 had not been spent due to COVID and the Summer Recreation Program which is provided by a grant not being deleted from expenses.

Article 12- Faith Plummer asked if the numbers which were listed was what was asked for? Hoffman replied that all three Select Board members reviewed the request independently and based on financial information provided decided on what to provide to each group. Faith Plummer asked if the organizations that did not asked for information could be deleted. Hoffman explained that they usually were kept for two years on the list and then deleted.

 Article 13 and 14- had no questions. The number in Article 14 was verified to be a new number.

 Article 15-Martha Huff wanted the number changed for Dog Fees the Town only is given $1.00 per license and she has had to ask for that number to be kept low. She recommended $800.  Rogala and Hoffman agreed so number was changed. Faith wanted to know what the $40,000 increase in Code Enforcement was? Tammy Munson (CEO) explained that they anticipated an increase in all the projects that they had on the books for the next year. Faith also wanted to know about the State Revenue Sharing- Hoffman said that she would research and provide answers at the next meeting. Deb Stitson will be asked to come to the meeting on the 6th of April to explain. Chris Young (Fire Chief) said that he felt the number for rescue fees was too low. Again, Deb Stitson will be asked to come to the meeting to explain. Martha Huff explained that the estimated revenues were to help offset the taxes so that often you wanted to keep the estimates lower so you didn’t have to come back and have a special meeting to raise more funds.

 Article 16: Hoffman reported that the auditor of our financial records for the Fiscal Year recommended that we had an article to carry accounts forward. That often purchase orders have not been filled but requests and orders completed so the funds are still available.

 Article 17:  Snowmobile Registration Funds are collected and sent to the State. The Town receives a check which is sent to the club for maintaining their trails.

 Article 18- Both Terry Walters and Faith Plummer noted that last year the wording had been not town improvements but the funds to be used specifically on the New Town Hall. Hoffman will check with the attorney when she is back.

 Article 19- Martha felt that all articles should include raise & appropriate to expend to not confuse the voters. Chris Young felt that the TIF funds weren’t raised. Hoffman will check with legal about wording.

 Article 20- Hoffman explained that in order not to have to vote on each separate protected account yearly, the lawyer had recommended writing an ordinance entitled “Hollis Non-lapsing Reserve Accounts.” Ordinance will be provided on the web page to review. This covers the Heat Fund, Christmas Fund, Community Day Fund, and others. Cemeteries that are trusts are already covered according to Levi Robinson- Auditor.

 Article 21- Hoffman and Rogala explained that although they tried to get quotes, many times it was impossible. Faith Plummer felt that maybe we should increase the number to higher than 10,000. That she certainly gets multiple quotes on projects. Martha said that many individuals felt that items carry forward. MMA has told her that the only thing that carries forward are ordinances. Chris Young recommended that a policy be created.NO RESOLUTION

 Article 22 and 23- had some clerical errors to fix.

 Article 24- Hoffman explained that originally the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations wanted every town to revote on all articles concerning alcohol. The state legislature in LD 1642 resolved this issue with if towns were not “dry” towns, articles that were a NO vote in 1968 should be relooked at to see if the town had changed their viewpoint in the last 53 years. Faith Plummer asked if any of the three locations had asked if they could sell spirits. Hoffman replied that the Bureau had specifically asked for clarification by placing it on the ballot. Martha Huff asked about the licensing approval process. Tammy Munson clarified that the State runs the stores that can sell liquor and that a public hearing and recommendation by the Select Board is required by the State. That the licenses are reviewed yearly.

 Article 25- no questions.

 Article 26- Hoffman clarified that the town has received ½ of the APRA funds and will receive the other ½ in 2023. That the funds have to be utilized in a manner that is regulated.

 Article 27- Martha Huff stated that she could get the year and that she wouldn’t add the line about the last time the library had any trustees.

 Article 28 – Chris Young asked that the article have a clerical error corrected.

 Article 29- Faith Plummer wanted to know how many employees were involved with each article. Chris Young said Article 28 had 5 employees. Hoffman replied Article 29 had 12 employees. Faith asked if either one got turned down would the Town provide additional benefits. Hoffman replied that both of these articles were up to the Voters. That the Town is not authorized to independently offer additional benefits. Faith asked if the Medical Benefits were voted on. Martha Huff said that they were. Hoffman explained that the two benefits offered by MEPERS had different employer contributions required. MEPERS 3-C (fire and public safety) requires 13.4% and MEPERS ¬¬¬_____requires 10.2% and ICMA, the town can elect to not participate or contribute some % of the salary. But approval or disapproval of benefits is up to the voter. Martha Huff wanted to make sure that something educating the voters was attached. Training for Town employees is available on April 5th and will be recorded.

Terry Walters commented that he was all for both Article 28 and 29 saying that he was fiscally conservative. He feels that the Town employees work hard and he cares about them a lot and feels that working for the public isn’t easy. They all do a great job. He is totally supportive of both Article 28 and 29.

Article 30 and 31: Still waiting for the final draft of the amendment to the Animal Control Ordinance. Will be placed on the Town website.

Article 32: Hoffman commented on how hard Chris had worked on the Ordinance and that the Ordinance includes Emergency Services which is a high percentage of the volume of their calls. Martha Huff thought that maybe we should put amend instead of enact. But the title is changed in the Ordinance and replace I in the wording.

 Article 33: Amended to place in the Ordinance the 7% that is paid to the company that does the follow-up to see if the person transported has private insurance coverage.

 Article 34: Just creating the Ordinance. Everyone who has helped ‘word smith’ the ordinance has been very helpful.

 Article 35: Martha Huff asked if it had been proposed by the Planning Board and was told that this was what was sent to be on the warrant. Tammy Munson said that she wasn’t sure if it legally had to be entirely on the budget. Hoffman said that she would check in the morning about the issue. Paul Mattor (Chairman of the Planning Board) said that he felt that he could not speak for the entire Planning Board on their behalf. If individuals had questions, they should come to the Planning Board. Terry Walters commented (summarized)that he just wanted to say that he supported Article 35. That he would like to say a little more about cluster housing. He has heard multiple discussions around town and in committees. He feels that cluster housing is a very very valuable program for the town. It is a strong land use tool and supported by multiple committees. He has reread the section and agrees that it needs to be updated with language that is less confusing.  He has feels that is very valuable and effective in other towns. Faith asked about the language below 3- that 40,000 was 1/3rd of 120,000 but it says later that 50 % had to be preserved so which is it. Tammy Munson said that she would check into it, she though this section only applied to RR-3 and get back to us next week. Faith also asked about the Planning Board number of 5-0-1 which she has not seen anywhere else. Hoffman apologized and said that that was meant to be reviewed. Faith asked if the Select Board ever put their vote in the warrant. Hoffman said that she had reviewed warrants from 2010 and that the current Select Board did not intend to include those numbers.

 Article 36- Chris Young provided a review of the need for the “KNOX BOX” and the safety features to only allow his staff to access the box so that major damage to the building would not have to be done. He also reminded individuals that it was not for one- or two-family dwellings.

 Article 37 (number was corrected)- Was changed so that could take out application fees from the Planning Board did not want to have to update the Zoning Ordinance constantly.

 Article 38 (number was corrected)- no comments.

 Article 39 (number was corrected)- no comments.

 Article 40 (number was corrected)- Reason that was included that there were articles in previous warrants that said until repealed or rescinded. Both Planning Board and Appeals Board needed to correct this. This is the Planning Board’s correction. We put the Appeals Board in Policy #10- Schedule of Fees. They will need to do an ordinance to be voted on with the next warrant.

 Article 41 – (number was corrected)- no initial comments.

Other public comment: Martha Huff felt that we needed to have the wording on the ones submitted by the Planning Board shortened. That she is just saying because the voters will have the following to vote on:

1.  Democratic or Republican ballot depending on their party.

2. MSAD School Director at Large Ballot

3. MSAD School Validation Budget Ballot

4. and 4-6 Town Ballots

That she realizes that voters have the right to know what they are voting on. That the ordinances will be hung on the way in and in the voting booths. That it seems like a lot of words and that she is the one that is going to be sitting up night after night proofing the ballots sent by the person who does the ballot. Hoffman commented that the wording submitted had previously been included. Martha said that that probably depended on the Town Clerk. Hoffman as previously stated said that they would be looking into whether they were able to change the wording on an article that was not written by them.

Faith Plummer also stated how cumbersome it is to have so many ballots. She reminded the Select Board that it was their warrant and not the warrant of the Planning Board.

Martha Huff reminded individuals that we only have three voting machines. One will have to be utilized for the State Rank Choice voting since even though with the technology advances that have been made, the thumb drives have not been updated or are unable to do both types of ballots which is why the one machine will be devoted to the State Ballot. Hoffman noted that it was very confusing for the voter’s last time. Martha has requested a 4th machine but she has not heard back.

That requests for Absentee Ballots are available in the following ways:

1. Call Town Hall and request their own. But you cannot get anyone else’s.

2.  Download it and mail it to the Town Hall.

3.  Come in person and you can also get your spouse and children.

4.  Go to the web site at www.maine.gov and ask for absentee ballot, fill it out, an email      gets sent to the Town Clerk and then the Town Clerk lets you know it has been      received.

That for voting you can vote in the following ways:

1.  Vote absentee.

2.  Vote in-person and:

a.  Do so in a voting booth.

b.  Use the Express Vote Machine which you can listen too, change colors, and      other options. If the line is long, try it. Last time, one person who used it had      never voted before and was really excited to be able to vote.

c. Because of a law suit, the State has an option for impaired/handicapped     individuals to be able to vote from their home. More information will be     coming on this. No one wants to disenfranchise anyone from voting. If you     need this option, you will need to check with the State.

Ballots will be available in May. 

Terry Walter would like to support what both Martha and Faith said. Would like to see it streamline the process and reduce the verbiage.

Faith Plummer would like to comment on Article 40. Originally, was provided with $5,000 of seed money and they were supposed to be self- sufficient. Hoffman stated that what she has found is that the same individuals are asked to provide funds for all community events- scholarship fund, Deck the Hauls. That maybe the individuals who were in charge of the funds didn’t realize that and didn’t spend the funds appropriately.

Rogala stated that he knew that individuals who attended tonight thought that cluster housing was going to be on the ballot. That Jack has listened to Terry and members of the Conservation Commission and would like to give the Conservation Commission the opportunity to work with the Planning Board to see how they can make the ordinances clearer. That more people need to understand what they are trying to accomplish. That it was removed from the warrant to provide the two to work together on the issues.

Hoffman related that if individuals wanted to get more educated about the issues with cluster housing a good resource would be the last Select Board meeting on March 16, 2022 where individuals from the Conservation Commission spoke very eloquently and really presented valid points and really changed our viewpoint.

Rogala thanked everyone who came and presented their viewpoints. He wishes that more individuals would attend because hearing what they have to say is very important. It is very important to not only hear people in favor but also those who have alternative viewpoints.

Rogala made a motion to close the Public Hearing and Hoffman seconded the motion. Both were in favor. Passed  2-0-1 (McCubrey absent)

 4: Other Business

Hoffman announced the need for a member for the Finance Committee as well as volunteers for the Hollis Community Day Event. That the Event is too much for 4-5 volunteers to do by themselves.

Hoffman had a request for information about a Community Garden that had been available previously over by Saco River TV.  Rogala said over by the California Fields.

Martha Huff said she had heard about it but really didn’t know anything about it. Hoffman will attempt to get more information.

 5: Upcoming Board and Committee Meetings:

Hollis Finance Committee Televised and Zoom: 5 April 2022 at 6:00 PM

Hollis Community Day Committee: 5 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

Hollis Select Board Meeting Televised and Zoom: 6 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

Hollis Planning Board Meeting Televised and Zoom: 13 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

Hollis Sports Complex Committee Meeting: 14 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

Hollis Conservation Commission Meeting: 21 April 2022 at 5:30 PM

6: Executive Session: No Executive Session.

7: Public Comment.

Hoffman reminded individuals that the Select Board will be reviewing the tape and will address any concerns voiced with the Select Board at the next meeting. Thank you very much for your assistance in making corrections and raising specific concerns for us to research before signing the final warrant.

Martha Huff brought up the need to have Freedom of Information training frequently for all committee members and Select Board individuals or anyone that usually gets training. That she wants to update the list and only allow 2-3 years between training. That no one is on the naughty list or done anything wrong. That she attended the training and was reminded that if you are transacting town business on cell phones, text messages that that information is available under the Freedom of Information Act. So, you should never write-send-text anything that you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read in the paper. That that is a good reminder. The form that she is sending will list where and when training is available.

Rogala asked about the fire on White House Road. That he was told that two dogs were lost. Is the family all right?

Chris said that there was no injuries or fatalities to individuals. That the family had a place to stay tonight.

8: Adjournment: Rogala made a motion to adjourn. Hoffman seconded and both were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm.