04.06.22 7pm

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Meeting Minutes for Televised & Zoom Hollis Select Board Meeting

6 April 2022 7 PM in Community Building

Attendees: Hollis Select Board,  Diane Meserve, Rebecca Bowley, Rita Anderson, Deb Tefft, Chief Chris Young, Tiffany Dean and Martha Huff.  Virtual Attendees were Tammy Munson and Tammy Thompson.

1. Call to Order: Hollis Select Board Meeting called to order at 7:04 on the 6th of April by Dave McCubrey, Chairman. Both Mary Hoffman and Jack Rogala were in attendance.

Since we are waiting for some individuals to arrive, we will be doing old business first.

2.  Old Business

a.   Community Garden was run about 10-12 years ago according to Dan Yarumian. It ran for about 3 years next to the California Fields. They charged $30.00 for a plot that they had rototilled, installed irrigation and marked plots. Rick Alderette was one of the major players. Thanks to everyone who solved the mystery.

b.  Finance Committee is looking for a member. The individual needs to have some knowledge of business and investment. There next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 13th.

c.  Both Rogala and Hoffman attended the first Community Day Meeting last evening. The committee is planning on moving forward. Letters have been sent to over 38 individuals and money is starting to come in. Hoffman has contacted Western Express and plans to contact more trucking companies. Volunteers are needed for helping both before and during the event.

3. New Business

a.  Vote to approve Todd Hurtubise who has a Medical Marijuana Store located at 962 River Road for his Medical Marijuana Store. He has received a Certificate of Occupancy from the Code Enforcement Officer and the Select Board approved his store with a vote of 3-0.

b. Payroll and Warrant Totals:

                  Payroll:          3/23/2022        $32,416             Warrant:              3/23/2022        $84,074

                  Payroll:          3/30/2022        $12,320             Warrant:              3/30/2022        $30,430

                  Payroll:          4/6/2022           $34,507             Warrant              4/6/2022           $121,377

c. Purchase Orders were not obtained from the Treasurer so will be reviewed at the next meeting.

 d.  Review of MSAD Budget: On May 4, 2022 at 7:30 PM Bill Brockman, Paul Penna and Clay Gleason have been invited to present the MSAD Budget to the Town of Hollis.

The Hollis portion has increased by 11.18% to $5,502,517. A lot of reasons were  responsible for this increase to include the fact that the State of Maine decreased their contribution to the school by $1,560,000 (approximately). The salaries and benefits package has increased because of having to absorb those teaches that were being paid out of COVID funds which are no longer available. It is unclear what the benefit package from BC/BS will look like. It could be an increase of up to 8 %.

In addition, there are many structural problems. Over the years in an attempt to  decrease taxes, many necessary repairs have not been completed to include windows, roofs, a blue tarp over a skylight to not let the rain in, flooring, bathrooms, and having to covert drinking water supply from water fountains to bubblers for filling water bottles.

Hoffman states that in addition she has been asked if pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten are required by the State. As well as why Mandarin is taught in the school. Hoffman related that Mandarin is considered one of the core languages to be able to easily learn other languages. In this global world, there is a recommendation for Mandarin, French, Spanish, and German. If you are bored, you can add Arabic.

e.  There was no correspondence.

2a. Old Business:

a. McCubrey stated that we were going to start with revenues on page 5 since there was some questions on how Deb Stitson came up with the numbers that are listed.    Hoffman related that the specific questions were related to the Fire Department, Code  Enforcement, and State Revenues.

Deb Stitson said that every year she does the revenues but it is tricky. If she estimates too low then the tax rate is higher and the extra money goes into the general fund. If she estimates too high then there is not enough money to cover and money is taken out of the general fund.

She figures the money out by taking all revenues for this year until February 28th and then she adds March through June of the previous year. Then, she looks for anomalies. Every year her total number has worked so that money has not been taken out of the General Fund. She also looks at data from the past three to five years.

The rescue money may look low for this year. But next year based on the increase in volume and increase in billing, this number should go up. But even if the Fire Department makes a lot more than estimated, the number that is applied to taxes if the total amount for all revenues. If a revenue doesn’t make what is estimated, it may be covered by the Fire departments higher number.

State Revenues are set by the state so she has no control over the increase that was remarked upon at the last meeting.

McCubrey reported that the Fire Revenue is an action item to make sure that the % paid to the Collection Agency is not more than it should be. The Fire Department Numbers and the Treasurer are not matching at this time.

Hoffman asked Deb to explain why she didn’t feel that the taxes were going to go up because of the increase in the school budget. She said that she hopes that it doesn’t  because revenues are going up so high. But lots of things can affect that to include Real Estate and Personal Property especially concerning Poland Spring/Blue Triton.             

Deb Stitson also reviewed that the company who had contracted to do the reevaluation is not going to complete the evaluation. That it should be completed by April 1, 2023. That she has an in-house plan to be able to completely next year. Last year, we had to decrease all exemptions at 88%. That we will have to increase our real estate and personal property.  That last year thanks to Tammy, Faith, Anna, Diane and all staff at the Town Hall we were able to get the tax commitment done in 6 weeks.

McCubrey asked about how long the school went back for the State Evaluation. The school fluctuates between 2-3 years. Use a 2-year average for the school. If our State Evaluation is higher this year then they use twice times the last year average.

Article 1 will be done on June 14th and Article 2 to elect the Town Officials listed.

Article 3:  McCubrey reviewed all the separate budgets that are included in the article.  Hoffman made motion to accept Article 3 as written and Rogala seconded the motion.

 Rita Anderson asked about what was included in administration. It was explained that a large majority of the increase was in salary. Broadcasting why is it up by $3,000. Increase in production with two individuals involved. Feels that there is a lot of money in the budgets that went up.

 McCubrey said most of the budgets are increase in salary. 70% of the school budget is salaries and ours is not much different. Finance Committee saw all of the budgets. Rita asked if they come in and review everything like the Budget Committee.

McCubrey said that in general all of the salaries were based on 4% +$.25. Some exceptions were recreation department we rounded up from $12.75 to $13.00. We did not go 5.9% like Social Security. Custodial/Maintenance went up from 20 hours to 25 hours. We cut the Librarian from 25 hours to 20 hours. That there were a couple of other increases that he (Dave) didn’t approve. The increased wages are not going to keep up with inflation.

Hoffman relates that a debate on Code Enforcement. Increase hours from 30 hours to 34 hours and that she should be a salary employee. Many items that are not in her job description that includes electrical inspections, writing grants, attending the planning board meetings, writing ordinances, and attending other meetings such as Safety.

Rita Anderson asked why it was going up over $20,000.

McCubrey related that it was only $12,750. McCubrey disagree with the increase in salary for the Code Enforcement Officer.  The other towns pay close to what we are currently paying. He is opposed to this increase.

If you look at the bottom line of the article, it lists specifically that the Select Board and Finance Committee both recommend everything except Code Enforcement and FICA. The Select Board recommended both the Code Enforcement and FICA 2 to 1. The Finance Committee did not recommend Code Enforcement with 1 for and 2 against.

Diane Meserve asked if we had received the email from the Finance Committee asking us to put this in a separate article.

Hoffman replied that we had received the email but that the legal department recommended that we not separate Code Enforcement and FICA from Article 3.

Diane asked what would happen if the whole article failed. McCubrey stated that we would go back to last year’s budget. She also asked why we had a finance committee if we were not going to listen to their recommendations.

Rebecca Bowley stated that the Finance Committee was an advisory committee to the Select Board. This warrant that we are going to vote on is the Select Board’s warrant. Would change font so that the recommendations from each are all on one line.

McCubrey said that State Statute 30-A 2528 if is request for appropriation of money. Recommendation of both entities has to be placed on the warrant article.

Rebecca Bowley asked about Planning Board articles will be available to review. Hoffman stated that there is a separate paper that will be placed on the website.

Martha Huff stated that she didn’t know if the budget doesn’t pass reverts to next year. Will need to double check on it. She felt that we had to revote it again.

Hoffman stated that Don Marean wanted transparency and wanted it listed on the warrant.

Chris wanted to make a recommendation on this article- that recommend or don’t recommend as a whole. That the differences are not listed there.

Hoffman recommended that we will check with legal about how to make it transparent.

Vote on Article 3: Hoffman and Rogala voted for the whole article. McCubrey did not recommend the portion of the article for Code Enforcement and FICA. Passed 2-1.

Article 4: McCubrey reviewed the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 4 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff recommended that we list the revenues and at the Public Hearing in May.

McCubrey stated that the Finance Committee recommended that we list also FICA and Insurance so that we could know what the true budgets.

Rita Anderson states that she doesn’t feel that the Recreation Department should have an increase. McCubrey stated have Parks and Recreation Programs so it has changed. A lot of the increase and revenue has come from Before and After Care rather than from the other programs.

Hoffman reviewed the increase in numbers for Before Care around 30 and After Care around 45. That we have increased some salaries. That the staff is devoted and come to work early in the morning and then come back in the afternoon. McCubrey stated that wages and salaries are $241,000.

Martha Huff (resident) related that she had her granddaughter come to Hollis Recreation. That the staff don’t get paid what they should. Her granddaughter is challenging. They do an excellent job. The staff is phenomenal and take responsibility for all those kids. Dawn made sure that the ballot box was not sharp when they got done with the box. Madison, Deb, and Carly all do an outstanding job.

Article 4: All voted to approve the article. Passed 3-0

Article 5: McCubrey read the article.  Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 5 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

 McCubrey said that we had go out for a new contract for snow removal this year. Our current contract is for two years with the option for a third which we used this last year.

Martha Huff said why did we have to go out for a new contract.

 Hoffman said that we had to go out everything every 2-3 years.

Martha Huff asked why do you put it out for bid if they are doing a good job?

McCubrey stated that Rogala had been adjusting the new package. That we go out for a bid to be transparent and give everyone an opportunity to participate.

Martha Huff asked how does the Road Commissioner who is elected works with this system?

McCubrey said that if someone else got the bid the Road Commissioner would have to work with them. It is in the contract.

Martha Huff asked how the Road Commissioner got paid.

McCubrey stated that right now he received Medical and Dental Insurance. That since he is elected, he is offered the benefit also and that this is a fairly large amount of money.

Rebecca Bowley related that she was the Road Commissioner’s sister for transparency.  That if the Road Commissioner goes out to plow, he gets paid just like the other individuals who are plowing. As far as a salary other than Medical and Dental Insurance, he doesn’t get paid for anything else. The Snow Contract is paid starting in October and ends in May. The town is not responsible for any of his employee’s benefits or pay. It is all within the contract.

Article 5 passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 6: McCubrey read the article.  Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 6 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey says that our roads are in really good shape. We will be pushing money from last year and the projects will need a lot of work. He reminded individuals that we are not responsible for State Roads and individuals should contact the State about problems.

Article 6 passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 7: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 7 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Rita Anderson wanted to know about why the budget went up so much.

McCubrey said that a lot of it was salary. Chief Young said that a substantial amount was because of salaries. Salaries up to $737,000 for the Fire Department. We have someone on 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Rogala mentioned that it is very competitive to get help within the Fire Department. Have to stay abreast with other towns with regard to salaries.

Chief Young stated had four positions for 8-10 months. Just hired the 4th position who starts next week. It is very competitive with hourly rates and benefits very competitive.

McCubrey said that if we want 24/7 and want the number of people to do the work. All police, fire departments are all short.  We are currently at a good number for salaries for the Fire Department.

Rogala said that as this town grows the demand for Public Safety is going to require additional staffing.

Article 7 passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 8: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 8 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey stated that this article for General Assistance has to be funded.

Martha Huff stated that when the budget was done last year, that they didn’t have rental assistance and utilities. Landlords are still waiting for their money. 70% of the tenants still owned rent last year and this year they are still owed the 70%. Thinks that the Select Board is wise to have a conservative number.

Martha said that at some point General Assistance may have to step up if those rents aren’t paid. Has started to have more requests in February with eviction notices being handed out.

Hoffman reminded people that if they got a notice for eviction needed to call Martha so they shouldn’t leave because there are no places to find a place.

Martha said that in June that in June no one will be accepting GA client.

Article 8 passed unanimously.

Article 9: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 9 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey states that the tonnage is not changed. It is going up $3.00 a ton. Held because have room in the budget. Street lights have all been replaced by LED lights. As you are aware, electricity prices have almost doubled.

Martha Huff states that the McCormick & Sons does an excellent job. She wanted to know if they had increased the gas prices in the contract.

McCubrey states that McCormick is probably not making money on the contract.

Martha Huff expressed concerned about gas prices. That need to add a clause that the town picks up difference and pays the increased price. It is called an escalation clause.

Tiffany Dean states that Tyler Turn light is out again.  Rogala said that he would call them.

Martha Huff said that there was a municipal form that could be filled out.

McCubrey stated that there is an online way to do it.

Rita Anderson said that people put out things without cover or not in a plastic bag. It tips over and you have trash all over the place.

McCubrey said that trash is in a plastic bag and shouldn’t weigh more than 35 pounds. That trucks blow by his house and tip the trash over. That the trash and recyclable are supposed to be in separate containers.

McCubrey said that the only other answer is to have the residents to take their trash and turn it in themselves.

Article 9: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 10: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion that we accept Article 10 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman said that the reason it went down was we decreased the hours from 25 to 20. She is only open 14 hours a week and doesn’t need 11 hours of administrative time. The year before we decreased her book budget by $5,000.

Article 10: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 11: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion that we accept Article 11 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman explained that we decreased their budget because in the previous year they had some money left over. In their expenses, they did not take out the Summer Recreation money which they had not indicated. It almost added up to $5,000. That we also felt that they should ask for more money from Dayton who for years have only provided $850.

Article 11: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 12: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion that we accept Article 12 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey has moved Southern Maine Regional Planning over to the Code Enforcement budget. Kept this budget flat.

Hoffman said that Faith had a question about how we came up with a decision and we all independently made our recommendations.

McCubrey explained the process. We really emphasis what they do for the Town of Hollis.

Martha Huff states that it should have a public benefit to the public. She feels that some of them do. But some of the other ones are private entities that maybe are not for profit. Recommends that have a committee.  Maybe some of them have a public benefit to one or two but not a benefit to all the residents.

Hoffman stated that Faith asked why we couldn’t delete the ones that had no request. Explained that we needed to keep them until the second year so that individuals could see the numbers from the previous year and the numbers would add up.

Article 12: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 13: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 13 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 13: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 14: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 14 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 14: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 15: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 15 as written with the correction in a number of the article. Rogala seconded the motion with the number of the article.

Article 15: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 16:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 16 as written with a correction of the word ensuing and Rogala seconded the motion.

Martha Huff asked if carry forward would be on purchase orders and highway money.

Martha Huff asked to carry forward but has not received a reply. Would be nice to have something to go by.

McCubrey said that sometimes you don’t have to carry forward anything. Usually purchase orders, highway money.

Martha thinks that the June 15th date needs to be removed.

Chris Young states that he assumes that this is not the carry forwards on the purchase orders.

McCubrey states that we need to remove the request line.

Diane Meserve- Treasurer- said that what can be carried forward is a project that started in May can carry the money forward. That not because they saw that they had money left over.

Martha Huff asked if we had a policy on carry forward. Which we don’t have a policy.

McCubrey said this is a housekeeping.

Hoffman made a motion that we remove the line that would be due on June 15th.

The removal of the line was unanimously taken out.

Make a motion to accept Article 16 as now written without the removal of the line.

Rita Anderson felt that it was very confusing. 

McCubrey said that we were told that we should have it voted on yearly.

Article 16: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 17:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 17 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 17: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 18: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 18 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff asked if this gives the Select Board gives permission to sell any town property they want?  She liked it when it went to Town vote. Now have permission to get a Real Estate property. 

Rogala states that we have about $400,000 in the account. Is going in the Reserve account and set aside for the New Town Hall.

Martha Huff said that some of the property was set aside for future expansion for the school or the sports complex. Are people getting feedback? Maybe, someone has a plan on the property.

Rogala and McCubrey mentioned that the property is listed on the website and individuals are given an opportunity to ask questions about the property.

Rebecca Bowley said the way it is worded concerns her. She said everything is town property. She said that the Select Board needed to put in that it is real estate.

Martha feels that we probably want to add that on the Personal Property Ordinance that it is not Real Estate.

Hoffman make a motion to modify Article 18- shall the Town authorize the Selectboard to sell Town Real Estate property and place the money in a non-lapsing reserve account to spend on a New Town Hall or other town improvements?

All passed the modification unanimously 3-0.

Another motion was made to accept Article 18 with the modification as written.

Article 18: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 19: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 19 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff asked if that said with approval of the Finance Committee.

Rebecca Bowley asked if there was an amount that we had to vote on.

Hoffman thought if used to be $200,000.

Rebecca Bowley asked if we could spend the 3 million in the TIF account.

McCubrey said that it had to be authorized by the TIF and be listed in the TIF paperwork.

Article 19: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 20: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 20 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff felt that we should remove the line that said that the accounts would be listed in the Ordinance.

Hoffman made a motion that we remove that the ordinance will list out the specific accounts. Rogala seconded that motion.

Article 20 modification was approved unanimously 3-0.

Hoffman made a motion to approve Article 20 as written with the modification. Rogala seconded that. No discussion.

Article 20: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 21:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 21 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman said that the ordinance was written to cover an article that said that one should get at least three bids for anything that cost over $10,000. That we had an impossible time to get three bids most of the time.  We wanted to rescind the article but some individuals at the Public Hearing felt that we should keep it. An ordinance was written listing out the method to get a purchase of over $10,000 with an attempt to get three bids and approval after a month with documentation of what had been tried to get the bid.

Diane Meserve asked if the idea of having an Ordinance is so we don’t have to vote on them every year.

Hoffman replied that the purpose was to cover some items that were voted until repealed or rescinded that is not legal. But that with an Ordinance, we don’t have to vote on them yearly.

Article 21: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 22: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 22 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman said that all of these items specifically instruct us how they want the money spent.

Article 22: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 23: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 23 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 23: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 24:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made the motion to accept Article 24 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff recommended that we include the comment about what spirits are in the question. That we just say that we don’t recommend.

Hoffman reported originally that we were going to have to vote on all the votes from 1968 for all liquor in the town. Now the only one that we have to vote on whether they want to approve it.  State asked us to clarify whether we would allow the sale of liquor in convenience stores.

The State looks at the number of sales and number of convenience stores that they approve.

Rita asked why we would have to vote on this. We clarified that we needed to vote on the convenience store.

Article 24 was modified to say “Shall the Town authorize the State to permit the operation of agency liquor stores within the Town allowing convenience stores to sell spirits (vodka, whiskey, etc.)?

Motion for the modification was approved by all.

Article 24: passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 25:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 25 as written with the correction of the name if needed with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey said that he had originally written the article for $10,000.

Hoffman said that the only thing sent to the Finance Committee was the request for $8,000 by Paul Mattor. That the Finance Committee had not received a recommendation from the Select Board representative.

McCubrey said that we would deal with it later. He was planning on holding it up a little to see what the Maine Legislature will do with LD2003.

Article 25: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 26:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion Article 26 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey said that we have not spent any of the money. We hope to get the same amount the second time.

Rita Anderson asked what the money could be spent on.

McCubrey related that it was very broad what you could use it for. Supposed to supplement the town to buy stuff that they weren’t getting money for. As you know, we didn’t seem to have a problem with money.

Rita Anderson asked if the money had to be approved by the voters.

McCubrey stated that the Select Board could approve someone who did the research and had a qualified project.

Article 26: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 27: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 27 as written. Rogala seconded.

Hoffman said that the for the article was that the Board of Trustees had not been in operation for a number of years and that someone needed to provide oversight to the Salmon Falls Library- Town Library.

Rita Anderson reported that when they had the Board of Trustees many of them were from Buxton.

Martha Huff commented that we could postpone the rest or the meeting to next Thursday.

Rita was asked if we should postpone the warrant.

Rita asked about how she would vote on the Planning Board articles.

Hoffman related that there was a piece of paper to review the planning board articles.

Hoffman said that she would get her the piece of paper later this week.

McCubrey said that this is not a Public Hearing. That we did our Public Hearing last week.

Article 27: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 28: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 28 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 28: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 29: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept the article as written with the correction of the plan from 257 to 457 with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 29: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 30:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 30 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 30: Passed unanimously 3-0.

Article 31:  McCubrey read the article. Article 31 is written wrong so will reword it and then approve it.

Martha Huff asked how many pages the Ordinance is. She knows that we want to change dogs to domestic animals. She knows that the Animal Control Officer is doing all kinds of animals.

Hoffman said that we were having a problem with the one that we have and that she is the Animal Control Officer.

Martha Huff states that if you just say that you are going to follow State Law.

Hoffman said that Buxton was one page that didn’t say anything.

Martha Huff said that legal said that we could charge $25 late fee and then additional fees every month.

Article 31: Shall the Town amend the Animal Control Ordinance as written.

Hoffman said that she would make a motion to accept the Ordinance as written.

Hoffman amended her motion to remove the Animal Control Ordinance as written and place it on the November ballot if we have one.

Motion to remove Article 31 was approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 32 (New Article 31): McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 31 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman said the reason didn’t know how to do it was because the title had changed with the New Ordinance Title.

 Article 31: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 32: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to approve Article 32 as written. Rogala seconded the motion.

Rita Anderson asked how the article was changed.

Hoffman explained that it was to get the 7% that we paid the collection agency and how we received money from the collection agency.

Rita said that she didn’t understand.

McCubrey said that nothing changed for Rita Anderson.

Rita said that she gave out a lot of the Emergency Subscriptions to multiple people. She may need some and to get some to the Clothing Closet. That this is one of the best things that the Town has ever done.

Martha wanted to clarify whether the rescue would be paid if Standish responded.  Clarified that you have to be physically in Hollis for it to be paid for.

Chris Young asked where 7% came from.

Hoffman stated that the 7% was in the contract and if that number was changed, we could change the Ordinance to include the change.

Article 32: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 33: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to change Article 33 to add not real estate and then approve it as written and Rogala seconded the motion.

Hoffman said that it was just to allow the Select Board to be able to get rid of a broken chair if needed.

Article 33: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 34: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 34 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Martha Huff asked if we should rewrite it as other articles were written.

Hoffman related that this was the recommendation of the lawyer.

Rebecca Bowley asked a question about non-clustered subdivision development. A 5- lot subdivision in a 2-acre zone. They are going to be able to decrease the lot.

McCubrey stated that this did not decrease the size of their lot but making every lot be the same. Taking away a penalty. 3- acre zone 120,000 sq. ft.  Can gain a little on a non-clustered. Last year we voted to take away the bonus lot. Will make it more equal for everyone.

Article 34: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 35: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to approve Article 35 as written with Jack Rogala seconding.

Article 35: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 36:  McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 36 as written and Rogala seconded.

Hoffman stated that the purpose was to take out from the zoning ordinance anywhere where they mentioned money since it didn’t agree with Policy 10: Setting of Fees.

Article 36: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 37: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 37 as written and Rogala seconded.

Article 37: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 38: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 38 as written with the correction of the number and Rogala seconded.

Article 38: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 39: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 39 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Hoffman stated that the reason for the Article was to explain exactly how funds collected by the Planning Board for applications was explained.

Article 39: Approved unanimously 3-0.

Article 40: McCubrey read the article. Hoffman made a motion to accept Article 40 as written with the addition of Community Day fund with Rogala seconding the motion.

McCubrey stated that there was money back at the beginning was put up. Supposed to be free but if we put $5,000 to charge the residents of Hollis and not other towns.

Martha Huff asked whether the money that was given from the event supported scholarships for the Recreation Program.

Hoffman related that they had about $7,000 but got the money basically after the event was over from Poland Spring and some stragglers for donation. We wanted to have some seed money to keep in the account so that we have deposits available because we didn’t have the money available.

 Hoffman stated that Scholarship money was raised independently. (Clarification: In 2020, Hoffman obtained a private grant for the scholarship money and in 2021, Becky Bowley assisted in raising money for the scholarship program.

Diane Meserve said asked how many years have they been able to provide the event. How many more years are they going to pay? Live within their means. Should they be charging for the event.

McCubrey asked what are they going to do next year if they had spent all their money and come back again.

Rebecca Bowley stated that last year she felt that the community needed the event because of pandemic and it was a wonderful for the community. Issue is that have a big celebration in Buxton the weekend before. Can you get the volunteers to support the event? Think that community needs something like this but maybe every two years. Back-to-back weekends to have the Buxton 250.

McCubrey stated that this might be a great year to work with them. Let’s try to work with Buxton. He thinks the Hollis Community Day is great.

Rebecca Bowley asked when the funds would be used. The money raised would role into the General Fund. If say that don’t have any vendors, etc. that it would roll into the General Fund.

Rogala said that things had to be under the watchful eye of someone to keep track of where the money.

Hoffman said that maybe we should delete the article. Rogala wanted to leave it on since the amount had been decreased by the Finance Committee from $10,000 to $5,000.

Hoffman said would go forward with this and allow the voters to decide if they wanted to support it.

(Clarification: On review later, Hollis Community Day is a non-lapsing, reserve account so the money would be kept in the account).

Article 40: Passed with a vote of 2 for (Hoffman and Rogala) and 1 against (McCubrey).

Article 41: After rewording the article for the Tea House and McCubrey reading the article, Hoffman made a motion to approve Article 41 as written with Rogala seconding the motion.

Article 41: Approved unanimously 3-0.

3. Review of rest of new business:

  f. No Planning Board agenda was provided.

  g. Martha Huff will review items such as Li-Heap, Elections, etc. at the next meeting.

4. Other Business

   a. Road conditions on Route 35- had incident where a tractor trailer went off the road.

       The crew from Pleasant Hill responded and make the area safe. A special thanks to them for      doing that. Just be extra cautious on roads that don’t have shoulders or are wet.

5.   Upcoming Committee and Board Meetings

            Hollis Planning Board Meeting Televised and Zoom Meeting: 13 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

            Hollis Sports Complex Committee Meeting: 14 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

            Hollis Select Board Meeting: 20 April 2022 at 7:00 PM

            Hollis Conservation Commission Meeting-21 April 2022 at 5:30 PM

6.    Executive Session- none 

7.    Public Comment- Martha Huff wanted to remind everyone about the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday the 16th of April from 1 PM- 3 PM for $3.00 with an Easter Egg Hunt and other activities.

8.    Adjournment- Motion made by Jack Rogala, seconded by Mary Hoffman. All in favor including Dave McCubrey. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:32 PM.

Minutes Submitted by Mary Hoffman